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Outlaw Personal Trainer Phoenix

Renegade Scottsdale personal trainer gives fat the finger and gets his clients into top physical shape. Now you may be asking . . .

"Who The Heck Is Samson And How Is This Personal Trainer By Day and Nightclub Bouncer By Night Going To Help You Lose Weight?"

Watch This Videos!

If you are sick and tired of diets that don't work and and fat loss fads that seem to take off pounds only to gain those pounds back a month later . . .

. . . Then Take a moment to read this page. It may be to most important page you've ever read!

In it you will discover the most revolutionary fat melting system ever. A system so simple yet so efective anyone can do it. Including you!

From: Samson Phoenix
Samson Phoenix Personal Training
Scottsdale, AZ
(602) 434-3403

Dear Friend,

I too know what it's like to be out of shape. Check out this picture of what I used to look like (Not So Hot Right?) . . .

About a year ago I was hanging out with my girlfriend at home. I was sitting on the couch watching T.V. (Something I did a lot back then) When my girlfriend hit me with the I'M SEEING SOMEONE ELSE AND I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE BOMB!

I was shocked to say the least and of course I wanted to know why.

She told me that I had gotten lazy and let my body go.
She said she just wasn't attracted to me anymore.

I was devastated.

I never thought in a millions years that anything like this would ever happen to me.

At first I just fell into depression and didn't do anything but eat and rent movies for a whole month. That definitely was a bad idea. I gained 30 pounds in 1 month! I was a mess. I was spiraling down a whole that I couldn't get out of . . .

. . .but then one day while out with some of my friends I caught a glimpse of my ex-girlfriends new man. He was about the same height as me only he was fit as could be. He was very muscular and athletic.

I'm not going to lie I felt a little bit jealous. Then I saw her kiss him and it was on. I was furious.

That night I went home with a mission I decide I was going to get fit and kick her new boyfriends ass! I know It wasn't the most noble reason to get fit but hey It got me where I am today.

I started working out at the gym. I was hitting the weights and doing some cardio. I remembered my old High School workout and tried it out. For some reason I was not getting the results. Then I tried a bunch of diet pills that were supposed to make me not so hungry, all they did was make me moody. I tried the low card diets but I had sugar craving so bad that I would go on binges. Next was the workout videos I did that for about a minute but being at home I just gave in to doing other things. I tried so many different things but none of them worked.

I knew that there was something that I was missing about this whole fitness thing so I started doing some research.

I spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars learning about the body, fitness, bodybuilding, exercise, and fat loss. I spent night after night searching the internet to learn all I can, and wow did I run though a lot of crap and misinformation. Everybody is trying to make a buck.

The Fat Loss Industry is a billion dollar industry with shadey diets, supplements, and weight loss products being created and sold daily. It's no wonder why America has such a overweight epidemic.

They don't want you to be fit because they might lose some of the market share.

Well after discovering this my goal to kick my ex's butt grow into kicking the Fat loss Industries butt.

How did I do this?

I became steadfast in using only the most productive muscle toning and fat building systems known to man.

And guess what the Fat Literally melted off my body. My muscles got hard and defined!

No one could believe I could change my body so fast.

And that was just the beginning. I felt younger and healthier. I was looking very good in the mirror and oh yeah my ex saw me and wanted to get back with me. I told her now hard feelings but I was moving on to better things.

Now story could of ended there but that did not happen.

All of a sudden I became the most sought after personal trainer in Scottsdale and Phoenix.

You see, as I continued to look better and better people just kept asking me "What's Your Secret?" and " What do I got to do to look like you?"

People started begging me to help them shed fat. So I gave out a few pointers here and there. I didn't really put to much thought into it but then the first person I helped lost 29 pounds in 9 week and next person I helped lost 48 pounds in 4 months. I felt great helping my friends look and feel great.

That when I realized what I wanted to do with my life. I want to help people reach look and feel great!

At first I had second thoughts about becoming a personal trainer because I had heard horror stories from my friends. They told me about personal trainer doing nothing but taking there money . . . How there trainer just stood there with a clip board talking about their personal life. . . How their trainer didn't know a thing about how to get them into shape.

The biggest complaint was having to do the same old boring routine (people don't realize this but doing the same routine makes your workouts highly ineffective.)

but just because there was a few rotten apples in the bunch I wasn't going to let it deter me from my new goal.

I first started personal training out of one of those big meat market gyms. It was cool but the management didn't really care about helping the clients. They only cared about the numbers and how many vitamins and supplements I sold.

Well my goal was not to be a vitamins and supplement salesman so I left that job.

I knew that if I wanted to get people in shape and do it on my terms I was going to have to become an independent personal trainer.

In a short matter of time I had helped and was helping many people. The demand for my services literally shot through the roof . . .

What's really cool is that a lot of people NEVER thought they could have a great body and now they do.

So now this is what I do. I help people look and feel great and I tell you what I really do love my job.

Now I want to help you Look and feel great.

How am I going to do that?

Here's why my program works so well.

Because I personally know what it takes my program takes a radically different approach to the most personal trainers.

My program is for average people with average genetics.

Here's what you get with the Samson Training Method:

  • Weekly Personal Training Sessions - You'll receive trainer-supervised workouts on a weekly basis that'll constantly drive you towards your ideal body as FAST as possible. (In week two of your training we're going to put you on an exercise that's gonna fire up every single muscle in your body so you can start seeing toned muscle all over within just a few weeks.)
  • Motivation - Your trainer will motivate you every single time you come in for a workout so reaching your fitness goals will be EASY (Without this external motivation, it is EXTREMELY difficult for most people to get into shape.)
  • Guidance - During your workouts we'll practically guide you by the hand through the entire process (All you have to do is show up and you get one of the most fat-melting and muscle-toning workouts available anywhere, practically on auto-pilot.)
  • Instruction - We will show you EXACTLY how to do every exercise SAFE and correctly (you won't be one of the countless people wasting their time using ineffective and dangerous exercise form.)
  • Support - We will give you mental, physical and emotional support which is CRUCIAL in making consistent progress (When most people start an exercise program on their own they quit within 60 days... we're here to make sure this DOESN'T happen to YOU.)
  • Accountability - We'll MAKE SURE you show up to your workouts, which makes getting into shape practically inevitable (Getting to the gym is half the battle.)
  • Nutritional Instruction - You'll discover which foods to eat and which foods to stay away from like a mugger in a dark alley (It's probably NOT the foods you think...in fact, if you're like most people, you probably had one of these "foods to avoid at all costs" within the last 19 hours without even knowing it.)
  • Fun Workouts - If you don't enjoy something you probably won't stick with it... so we make SURE you have a damn good time during your workouts (You're actually gonna LOOK FORWARD to working out for once!)
  • Push you when you need it - Let face it, everybody has days where they're not feeling 100%, even the best of us. That's why we're here to lift you up, cheer you on and give you a kick in the BUTT when you need it. (We're here to make sure you ALWAYS rise to the occasion and maximize every single workout... this just isn't possible without a trainer.)

You will..

  • Lose fat once and for all - With conventional methods over 93% of people who lose fat gain it all back. We'll show you how to do be part of the 7% of people who keep the fat off forever (This alone is worth at least 10 times the cost of the training.)
  • Tone up your entire body - We're gonna make you lean and defined everywhere. When people rely on pills and crash diets, they might lose a little weight, but end up just looking like a weak and sickly smaller version of themselves with soft and mushy muscles... with our program you will look FIT and HEALTHY. (In fact, you're gonna look so fit people will think you've been working and eating good out for years.)
  • Be MUCH more attractive - It's no secret, a lean and toned body is considered by most people to be EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE and appealing. (You're gonna get a lot more attention... whether you want it or not... In fact, many of our clients rave about how much their sex life and social life has improved since they joined our program.)